In de afgelopen paar jaar ontving ik verschillende 'add and return' kunstwerken. Ik loop helaas flink achter met beantwoorden, maar hopelijk lukt het de komende tijd dat alsnog te doen. Boven- en onderstaande is in ieder geval op de bus gedaan.
Laura Daniels uit Engeland ontving ik mooie mail art, met de vraag om 'toe te voegen en door te sturen' (terugsturen, werd het). Het grappige van 'add and return' mail art is dat ik niet altijd weet wáár ik precies iets aan moet toevoegen ('t zou best kunnen dat het aan een van de andere attributen in de envelop had gemoeten). Maar goed, dat is de vrijheid van de kunstenaar, natuurlijk.
In the past years I received several nice add-and-return-to
mail art. And I must apologize that I am very much behind in adding and returning... I'll try to add-to and return asap, but to the people who are waiting for my reply (like E [Cavellini], Adamandia [tv-screen], Koos de Jonge [art book], Amuldo [folded booklet] and Lubomyr [Stamps Heart]): please have a little - or a lot - more patience!..
The funny thing of add-and-return mail (or add and pass on, in this case, Laura's request was) is that I don't always know which part(s) to add to.
Many months ago I received mail art from Laura Daniels from the UK: two nice drawings and some other pieces (which might have been the ones to add-to?!?).
However, I choose to stick one of the two drawings completely to a larger blue piece of paper, to which I added a drawing (a drawing which I never would have been able to create without the inspiration of Laura's mailed art!). And in addition I drew some copies of the, er, balloons, flowers?, from Laura's other design on the envelope.
Thank you very much, Laura! Hope you'll like the additions!
An other add-and-return-to/pass-on project is Ruud Janssen's 'stamp collage' project for the TAM rubberstamp archive. I stamped these to add them to my mail for Laura. Looking forward to knowing what wil be added to these!